Are you one of those people who looks to mainstream media for all of your talking points? Most people cannot be bothered with more than a simple headline. Confirmation bias in the form of a 2 second click bait headline. That is all it takes for most Americans to formulate their opinions. Instead of reading and researching. They turn on Fox News and CNN to get their opinions.
Ever since Russia invade Ukraine on February 24th, I am sure all you have seen are the heroic stories of what Ukraine and their government are trying to do. Fight of the bully and aggressor. But is that really the case? Anyone want to talk about how the ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ simply disappeared from the mainstream media? As they say, “They first casualty of war is the truth.”
I know most of you probably assume that Zelensky is an international hero. But how much do you know about him? Have you taken the time to look into his life and policies? Probably not. Just like many people have more than likely refrained from finding the actual truth behind what is taking place in Ukraine. If you haven’t read it yet. I encourage you to read the following article.
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But how much do you know about Volodymyr Zelensky besides what you see on social media and mainstream media?

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky was born on January 25th, 1978, to Jewish parents in central Ukraine. He grew up in the Kryvyi Rih region of Ukraine, where he spoke native Russian as a first language.

His father, Oleksander Zelensky, is a computer scientist and professor/head of the Department of Cybernetics and Computing Hardware at the Kryvyi Rih State University of Economics and Technology.

His mother, Rymma Zelenska, used to work as an engineer.
His grandfather, Seymon (Simon) Zelensky, served as an infantryman in the Red Army reaching the rank of Colonel during WWII. While assigned to the 57th Motor Rifle Division.

It is widely known that Zelensky grew up speaking native Russian. However, when he was 16 years old, he passed an English test and received and education grant to study in Israel. Which his father did not allow to happen. He later earned a degree in law from the now Kyiv National Economic University.

After his education, is where you really have to start reading between the lines and putting the pieces of this puzzle together. And how it correlates to his presidency and relationships with Western Nations.
At 17 he joined his local comedy competition team. Where he competed in KVN’s Major League. Where he eventually won in 1997.
It was the same year in 1997 that he created Kvartal 95 as a competition team. He would later use the competition team name to create the production company Kvartal 95 in 2003.

Employees would go on to create a political party in 2018 bearing the same name of one of Zelensky’s most popular television shows that he himself starred in. Servant of the People.
But he also starred in other films and series.
Love in the Big City-2009
Love in the Big City2- 2012
Love in the Big City 3- 2014
Office Romance, Our Time- 2011
Rzhevsky versus Napoleon- 2012
8 New Dates- 2012
I, You, He, She- 2018
He also recorded the voice of Paddington Bear in the Ukrainian dubbing of the film in 2014. He also did Paddington 2 in 2017.
The fact that he is an actor really needs to be taken into consideration. Because it plays into the propaganda. It’s not that hard to compute that an actor can sell anything so long as cameras are turned on.
But we need to talk about Servant of the People specifically.
Where he played a high school teacher who goes on to become President on a ticket to overthrow corruption in the government. Filming for the series began in 2014. What is important to note about the series is that it almost seems like a foreshadowing of events to come. You have to note the correlation between his role in the film and his current position in the Ukrainian Government. You also have to note that the series was filmed during the Maidan and Euromaidan revolutions. Which our own government had a hand in orchestrating. How does someone play a t.v role that plays out in real life? Odd would be an understatement.
You also have to pay attention to the fact that the political party that saw Zelensky placed as the President of Ukraine. Was named after this show. Servant of the People registered as a political party on March 31st, 20

18. Just prior to the Presidential Election. Are you starting to see the correlation? A media backed political party. That should sound very familiar in terms of what is happening in the United States currently.
A couple things that took place prior to Zelensky running for office need to be pointed out. in 2014 he spoke out against the intention of the Ukranian Ministry of Culture to ban Russian artists from Ukraine.
But his involvement in the Donbas conflict needs to be mentioned. The Donbas conflict is one of controversy. Because the Ukrainian government is accused of war crimes in the region. There were an estimated 13,000 casualties and over 30,000 wounded as a result of the Ukranian operations in the area. Most people will tell you that the accounts of what happened in the region are Russian propaganda. But the Ukrainian government admits that it carried out military operations in the region to fight pro-Russian separatists. You can read about the conflict starting here.
But I encourage you to look into the Alley of Angels. Which is a memorial for children that were killed during the war in Donbas. By the Ukrainian government.

During the war in Donbas. Zelensky's Kvartal 95 donated 1 million hryvnias to the Ukranian Army. In order to see why that is such a bad thing. You have to realize that the money went to neo-Nazy military unites like the Azov Battalion. The Azov Special Operations Detachment is a right-wing neo-Nazi organization unit that was formerly part of the National Guard of Ukraine. On November 12th of 2014, Azov was officially incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine and all of its soldiers have been official soldiers serving in the National Guard since.

Those funds would also go towards funding neo-Nazi groups like Right Sector as well. Right Sector is a Ukranian Nationalist organization that originated in 2013 as a right-wing paramilitary confederation during the Euromaidan revolt in Kyiv. The group became a political party on March 22nd, 2014. Lead by Dmytro Yarosh up until 2015. A commander of the Ukranian Volunteer Army.

I covered both groups in an article titled 'Was Russia right about Nazism in the Ukrainian Government?'
Most of Zelensky's campaign ran on social media. Where he did not release a detailed policy platform and his engagements with the media were minimal. Most of his campaign was ran through YouTube and Instagram. With the help of his production company. During which time he had links to Ukrainian oligarchs like Ihor Kolomoisky. In 2021 the United States banned Ihor and his family from entering the country due to "significant corruption". U.S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that he was "involved in corrupt acts that undermined rule of law and the Ukrainian public's faith in their government's democratic institutions and public processes, including using his political influence and official power for his personal benefit". Yet, he was one of the major donors to Zelensky's campaign.
Most of Zelensky's campaign ran on social media. Where he did not release a detailed policy platform and his engagements with the media were minimal. Most of his campaign was ran through YouTube and Instagram. With the help of his production company. During which time he had links to Ukrainian oligarchs like Ihor Kolomoisky. In 2021 the United States banned Ihor and his family from entering the country due to "significant corruption". U.S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that he was "involved in corrupt acts that undermined rule of law and the Ukrainian public's faith in their government's democratic institutions and public processes, including using his political influence and official power for his personal benefit". Yet, he was one of the major donors to Zelensky's campaign.
On April 21st, 2019, Zelensky won the second round of elections with a 73% margin.

On May 20th, 2019, Zelensky was inaugurated. But it is incredibly important to note which world leaders attended his inauguration, which countries that they come from and their involvement in NATO. It is no secret that the United States, NATO and the European Union have been actively involved in Ukraine for many years. To include the revolutions in 2013-2014. We also already know that the United States has funded and helped operation Biological Labs in Ukraine for over a decade. All of which I cover in a 4-part series on YouTube. And America's Tribune.
Salome Zourabichvili (GEORGIA) NATO AFFILIATION and site of U.S Bio Lab
Kersti Kalijulaid (Estonia) NATO AFFILIATION
Raimonds Vejonis (Latvia) NATO AFFILIATION and training grounds for 173rd Airborne Brigade. A unit that I served with 2 tours in Afghanistan.
Dalia Grybauskaite (Lithuania) NATO AFFILIATION
Janos Ader (Hungary) NATO AFFILIATION
Marcos Sefcovic (European Union) NATO AFFILIATION
Rick Perry (United States) NATO AFFILIATION
Did you notice the trend? All pro-democracy and NATO affiliated countries that have worked with the United States, EU and NATO for years. Many of which have facilitated funding Ukraine's biological labs. And facilitate training NATO forces in their countries.
In his inauguration address he immediately dissolved the Ukrainian Parliament and called for new elections. I can think of plenty of dictators who did the same thing over the course of the years to include Sadaam Hussein. And as a result, his first proposal as President was to change the electoral system. Does any of this sound familiar? It is quite literally the same thing that liberals are trying to do here in the United States. Imagine if Donald J Trump would have taken office after his inauguration in 2017 and immediately fired all members of Congress. Then implemented changes to our electoral system eliminating the electoral college. Zelensky essentially did that as soon as he took office. Eliminated the opposition and changed the way they were elected.
In 2020 he also proposed changing and reforming Ukraine's media laws. Essentially making Ukraine's media a State controlled function with censorship. Again. Does any of this sound familiar? Keep in mind that his appointment to the Presidency came from his time acting in Servant of the People. Produced by a media company that he created. Which later turned into the political party that got him elected.
Most of his administration has tied to organizations like Right Sector and Azov Battalion. Specifically, Andriy Bahdan, who served as the lawyer to the Ukrainian oligarch that helped fund his campaign. A man that was prohibited from entering the United States because of his corruption.
He also dismissed and replaced 20 Ukrainian governors of Ukraine's 24 regions. 20 of 24 were replaced. Does that sound like democracy?
To sum up how far his corruption reaches. He was actively involved in the 2019 phone call scandal involving Donald Trump. Alexander Vindman himself is a Ukranian American and John Brennan worked directly with Vindman and Zelensky to help Democrats on impeachment.
In September of 2021 he met with Biden regarding Ukraine and its future relationship with NATO. During which time he also met with Apple CEO Tim Cook and Ukrainians with senior positions at tech companies like Facebook and Twitter in Silicon Valley.
He opposes the legalization of firearms
He also believes in funding free abortions in Ukraine
But more importantly his support of neo-Nazi groups and individuals. Such as the Azov Battalion and Right Sector. Which he helped fund in Donbas. He also considers men like Stepan Bandera, heroes. If you haven't heard of him. You can read about him here.

Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian politician who belonged to the far-right ground known as the Organization of Ukranian Nationalists. He was known for his involvement in terrorist activities during World War II. And in June of 1941 he prepared the Proclamation of Ukrainian Statehood. Pledging to work with Nazi Germany. He also formed the Nachtigall and Roland Battalions in conjunction with German intelligence. In 1941 when he published the proclamations of Ukraine Statehood, he pledged to work with Nationalist-Socialist Greater Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Stepan Bandera is considered a hero to the Azov Battalion and Right Sector. Which we have discussed. He was assassinated by the KGB in 1959.
But what does this have to do with Zelensky? In an interview with RBC Ukraine.
Zelensky stated that Stepan Bandera was "a hero for a certain part of Ukraine. And this is a normal and cool thing. He was one of those who defended the freedom of Ukraine."
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The bottom line here is that everything is not as it seems. The same level of corruption that we are seeing in the United States, is the same level of corruption that Ukraine experiences, if not more. Men like Zelensky are not heroes. They are just portrayed as heroes by those with an agenda at play. Now I am not saying that Vladmir Putin is a standup guy. But neither is Zelensky. He is a corrupt, neo-Nazi supporting Western plant. And the same people who are pulling his strings. Are the same people that we claim to be against. A cabal of international bankers, arms dealers and corrupt politicians who monetize war for profit. The same industrial war complex that many people claim to be against. But cannot trouble themselves to read past headlines and actually get the true story themselves.
Volodymyr Zelensky is no international hero. He is a puppet for corrupt Western policies. And his theatrics come from his career as an actor.
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-The Patriot Edda-
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