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U.S Bio Labs Part 4. Who operates and funds Ukraine's Bio Labs?

Writer: ThePatriotEddaThePatriotEdda

Updated: May 8, 2022

This is the fourth and final part of this "series" covering the U.S biological laboratories in Ukraine. If you have not had the opportunity to do so. I encourage to you go check out parts 1,2,3 and 4 on YouTube and Rumble. As it will tie into this final portion.

What we already know

  • The US had a biological weapons program that operated at Fort Detrick from 1943-1969

  • We know that the facility rebranded itself as a “biological defense” program and remained at Fort Detrick

  • We know that the United States carried out experiments on American citizens without their consent. Tuskegee Experiments, Subway Experiments in New York, The San Fransisco experiment, Operation Ranch Hand.

  • We know that the United States is still using Chemical weapons. White Phosphorus

  • We know one of the old facilities used to stockpile weapons is being used as a gated and guarded National Wildlife Refuge

  • We know in depth what the facility at Fort Detrick covers and who their counterparts are

  • We know the U.S put a bio lab in the country of Georgia during the Maidan Revolution. And why it's important to the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.

  • We know who funds and operates that lab

  • We know that gain of function could potentially act as a form of biological weapons program

  • We know what gain of function is

  • We know what the NIH is and who they work with. To include AGAIN Fort Detrick which once existed as our biological weapons program facility. Until it rebranded in 1969

  • We know who Francis Collins is and why he is important. Being the head of the NIH during both Swine Flu and Manipulation Flu. Gain of function research programs. And his expertise in human genetics altering and mapping human DNA

  • We know the main hub for our biological research programs center around the Washington D.C area and Maryland.

Here are some of the articles claiming that existence of those facilities was Russian Propaganda.

  • On February 25th USA Today claimed that the rumors about Bio Labs in Ukraine were “Russian propaganda”

  • They claim that the labs are operated and funded by the Ukraine government.

  • They also claim that the U.S Embassy in Ukraine have said that the claim of U.S labs are false.

  • But go on to say that the U.S and Ukraine partnered in Augus of 2005 to prevent the spread of dangerous pathogens. PARTNERED.

  • They list the labs in Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk.

  • And I quote “The U.S Embassy in Ukraine sought to set the record straight on the biolabs claim in a statement in April 2020, calling the theories disinformation spreading in some circles in Ukraine that mirrors Russian disinformation.”

Shall we pull up that statement?

Which I will cover in depth shortly Foreign Policy “False claims of U.S biowarfare labs in Ukraine.”

  • The article is dated March 10th, 2022

  • The headline reads “A viral conspiracy theory could be used to justify an attack, The United States says.”

  • They say that in less than 2 weeks a conspiracy theory has gone from a fringe QAnon twitter account to becoming a rally cry for both Putin and the far right. (THE FAR RIGHT?)

  • The quote that the White House says it may be used by Putin as a cover for a biological attack on Ukraine. (Spreading disinformation by claiming that the other guy is spreading disinformation so that you can spread disinformation about them spreading disinformation) Makes 0 fucking sense.

  • They claim that the conspiracy theory got a “boost” after Victoria Nuland admits that those labs do indeed exist.

They also have another article titled “False Claims of U.S Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon.”

  • Which they published on March 2nd, 2022

  • Calling the theories QAnon rhetoric and Pro-Russian conspiracy theories.

  • Going on to further state that channels like 8chan and Telegram are unregulated and racking up thousands of hits each day with the popularity of this “conspiracy theory”

Reuters “EU says Russia reports of biolabs in Ukraine likely disinformation”

  • The article is dated March 9th, 2022

  • The article starts out by stating that the European Union issued a statement that Wednesday doubting the credibility of the Russian government's claims

  • “The credibility of information provided by the Kremlin is in general very doubtful and low,” EU foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano said.

They also quote an article that titles “U.S Dismisses Russian Claims of biowarfare labs in Ukraine.”

Now! Keep in mind once again what Victoria Nuland said to Marco Rubio and the rest of congress.

She states that the Ukraine has “biological research labs” that they are concerned will fall into the hands of Russia.

  • Maro Rubio than goes on to ask her if she thinks Russia will carry out a biological attack in Ukraine and blame the United States.

  • At which time she states that it is “Classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they're planning to do themselves.” IF THAT ISNT THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK!

Going off of what Victoria Nuland said. Do we have to bring up the fact that Jen Psaki parroted the same narrative? Yes. Yes, we do.

How do people not see that for what it is? “Blaming the other guy for what they are planning to do.”

And they act like most of us are dumb. And cannot see the writing on the wall. But then again. Most Americans lap up whatever kind of mush is thrown into their bowls.

Now whether or not these facilities are biological weapons facilities? Open to the imagination. But when you look at the fact that these programs existed in 1943-1969. And the epicenter of the “bio defense” program are the same facilities used for that biological weapons program. Is it really hard to put 2 and 2 together and at least gather that it is indeed possible? Why is it so hard to believe that the United States wouldn’t have a nefarious program in secret when over the course of the years we have seen that they run massive propaganda campaigns to cover up their exploits, while also working with social media to censor anyone who discusses these topics or even asks questions. Not that we can take the Kremlin's word for it but:

That’s right. Obama, Biden, Hagel, Reed, get the picture yet? The Arms Control Association cites the following on their website:

  • Under William Huntington “U.S cooperation with Ukraine under the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program was expanded with an agreement to use U.S CTR funds to improve the security for pathogens stored at biological research and health facilities in the former Soviet Republic.”

Keep in mind that the Department of Defense just got funded Roughly $6 billion in the recently passed Ukrainian Aid Relief Bill. Page 1835 The Arms Export Act also received another $4 billion to funnel arms and ammunition into Ukraine. Page 1850

That is roughly $10 billion in military aid of a $13.6 billion dollar relief package. The bill is closer to $16 billion.

So why is the funding on the recent Aid Package to the DOD relatable? BECAUSE THE DOD IS THE HUB FOR THESE BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE PROGRAMS! FORT DETRICK MARYLAND! WHICH RE-BRANDED ITSELF IN 1969 AFTER BEING THE CENTER FOR THE UNITED STATES BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS PROGRAM! THE NIH, CDC, WHO you name it. They all answer to and work with the Department of Defense on these programs. It was Fort Detrick that was responsible for the Covid-19 response we saw out of the Federal Government. And they admit this on their website. All of which are located around Maryland and near Washington D.C minus the CDC. But don’t just take my word for it. I don’t want anyone thinking that I am some sort of “conspiracy theorist”

Directly from government websites.

When you go to the NIH Website most of the facilities they list. Are also centered around Fort Detrick and Maryland. Again. Close to Washington D.C

Look under institutes on their website and don’t just take my word for it.

The United States is in fact funding the labs in Ukraine. And those labs have ties to the NIH, CDC, WHO and Department of Defense. By proxy, the Department of Defense is also funding those labs and working closely with those labs.

So, it isn’t Russian propaganda. I have shown you the links and the facts. Debate me!

So, let’s talk about these labs in Ukraine specifically.

Where are they?

During the following video:

President Obama speaks at the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Symposium and alludes to the first of many labs. Central Reference Laboratory Odessa Ukraine

  • Directly from the U.S Embassy in Ukraine’s website.

  • Donor- the Department of Defense of the United States of America

  • Beneficiary- Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Building and planning began by 2008

  • United States Government Investment $3 million

Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory

  • Directly from the U.S Embassy in Ukraine’s website.

  • Donor- The United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency (keep in mind that the bio defense main facility belongs to the United States Army at Fort Detrick. Which used to be the main base for the United States Biological Weapons program.

  • Beneficiary- State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine

  • The laboratory was running by April 17th, 2013 (Maidan Revolutions)

  • United States Government Investment $1.8 billion

Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

  • Directly from the U.S Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Located in Kiev

  • Donor- The Department of Defense of the United States

  • Beneficiary- The State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine.

  • Operating by April 15th, 2013 (Maidan Revolutions)

  • United States Government investment. $2.1 billion

  • Directly from the U.S Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Introduced in 2011

  • No donor listed

  • Beneficiary-Ministry of Health Ukraine

  • No investments listed

Facilities in:

  • Kyiv- Central Sanitary-Epidemiology Station

  • Odessa- Ukranian Anti-Plague Institute

  • Vinnitsa Oblast Sanitary-Epidemiology Station

  • Vinnitsa City- Sanitary-Epidemiology Station

  • Vinnitsa Oblast- Kalysnivska Rayon Sanitary-Epedemiological Station

  • Zhitomir Oblast- Sanitary-Epidemiological Station

  • Khmelnitska Oblast- Sanitary-Epedemiological Station Region Sites

  • Directly from the U.S Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Donor- United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health Ukraine

  • Construction began by April 3rd, 2012

  • United States Government investment $1.7 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Donor-United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health Ukraine

  • Contruction permit approved on April 11th, 2012

  • United States Government investment $1.7 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Located in Uzhgorod

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Construction permit approved on December 29th 2010

  • United States Government investment $1.9 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Construction permit approved on April 27th, 2010

  • United States Government investment $1.5 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s website

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

  • Contruction permit approved on July 13th 2010

  • United States Government investment $1.9 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s Website

  • Donor-The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine

  • Construction permit approved on June 1st 2012

  • United States Government investment $1.7 million

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s website

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Contruction permit approved on May 31st 2012

  • United States Government investment $1.6 million

  • Located in Luhansk

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s website

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine

  • Contruction permit approved on February 13th, 2013

  • United States Government investment $1.7 million

  • Located in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s website

  • Donor- The United State Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Construction permit approved on December 21st, 2010

  • United States Government investment $1.9 million

  • Located in Vinnytsya

  • Directly from the Embassy in Ukraine’s website

  • Donor- The United States Department of Defense

  • Beneficiary- The Ministry of Health of Ukraine

  • Contruction permit approved on May 5th, 2010

  • United States Government investment $1.5 million

That is 20 labs accounted for. All funded and operated by the Department of Defense in conjunction with the Ukrainian government. 20 labs. Funded by the Department of Defense on the Russian border. Plug Blinken video into OBS

Provocation? I think so. So, in summary what do we know?

  • The United States had a biological weapons program from 1943-1969

  • They claim that they ended it. But it would seem more like they rebranded it in 1969 and changed the name of the facility at Fort Detrick to the U.S Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

  • Which acts as the command and control plus main laboratory for the United States Biological Defense program

  • We know that the United States has conducted experiments on citizens in the past. Tuskegee project, Subway Experiment, Washington National Airport, San Fransico and possibly Agent Orange with Operation Ranch hand.

  • We know that there are also bio labs in other countries like Georgia and Wuhan that the United States helps fund through the NIH.

  • We know that most of the NIH, Fort Detrick and other organizations attached to the biological defense program are centered around Maryland and the Washington D.C Area.

  • We know Francis Collins was a human genetics expert who specialized in altering and mapping human DNA and was appointed the head of the NIH in 2009 before leads labs were built. He is also attached to gain of function research. The U.S Bio Defense program, Swine Flu and the Wuhan lab.

  • We know that the media claimed for weeks that these labs did not even exist. And that they were not funded by the United States Pentagon. Yet, they are and were.

  • We know that the U.S Embassy in Ukraine lists at least 20 of those labs. Who donated them and how much money was spent on them!

  • We also know that the United States still uses chemical weapons. White Phosphorus

So, is all of this really Russian disinformation? Or is it really out of the realm of possibility to think that the United States already has nuclear weapons. We already had a biological weapons program literally centered around Fort Detrick which now operates as “bio defense”. We were lied to about Covid for 2 years and still continue to be lied to. Are we still operating biological weapons programs? And can we really blame Russia for attacking Ukraine after our government has provoked them for YEARS!

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-The Patriot Edda-

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